Tribals in South Odisha

In South Odisha, particularly in the Andhra-Odisha border area, a longstanding land movement has been ongoing since the era of Comrade Nagbhushan Patnaik. The movement aims to secure  Tripathi Gamang. However, recent developments indicate a troubling pattern of false legal actions being used to dispossess these tribal communities.

On February 16, 2024, a "Rural India Bandh" was organised by the SKM and the Central Trade Unions. The bandh was a nationwide protest against the Modi government's anti-farmer and anti-labour policies. Protestors, including tribals, participated in the demonstration peacefully. However, Thakur Babu, the then police officer of Ramnaguda, unleashed violence against the peaceful protestors.

Following this incident, tribal leader Tripathi Gamang visited the Ramnaguda police station to address the issue. More than six months later, the Ramnaguda police fabricated charges against five innocent tribals. They have been accused of attempted murder and other serious charges. Three of these tribals—Govinda Pathika from Tamiliguda village, and Bulu Pathika and Puala Rambabu from Katiki village—were arrested and taken to court. The case has been characterised by delays and discrepancies, including the absence of concrete evidence in lower court proceedings.

The charges against these tribals were part of a larger conspiracy to silence the land movement of adivasis. The timing of the case—six months after the incident—and the nature of the charges suggest a deliberate attempt to target and intimidate the tribals. Historically, there have been numerous instances where dishonest police officers, in collusion with landlords from Odisha and Andhra Pradesh, have used false cases to suppress and displace poor tribals. This recent case fits the pattern of such exploitative tactics.

They were incarcerated tribals finally granted bail at the end of August 2024.

The CPI (ML) Liberation Rayagada District Committee strongly condemns the false charges against the tribals and repression against the land movement of tribals. Welcoming their release, the party demanded the immediate withdrawal of these baseless cases.