Bajrang Dal Cow Vigilante Goons in Patna

A Patna (Naubatpur) resident Israfil Alam was legally transporting 28 cows along with 12 calves in a truck to a cattle fair on 4 September. He has a licence for cattle trade. His truck was stopped at Phulwari Sharif by a gang of Bajarang Dal goons already waiting there. These goons started pelting stones at the truck along with shouting of slogan Jai Shri Ram, then hijacked it and was taken to Tamtam Padav, from there all cattle were stolen by goons. The driver of the truck somehow managed to flee from the spot in order to save his life, but two workers on the truck, Israel and Rajendra were brutally attacked, injuring them seriously. Their lives could be saved by the timely intervention of local people. Their mobile phones and whatever cash was in their pockets were looted by the attackers. 

CPIML MLA Gopal Ravidas immediately reached the place of incident and inquired about the whole incident. He also met the injured people. Later he met the concerned thana incharge and pressured him to order for the arrests of all the attackers. It was his quick intervention that the first information report was lodged and arrest orders were issued. The communal elements are now trying to escalate the communal tension in the area. 

Under BJP-JDU rule in Bihar Bajrang Dal and BJP supported goons are regularly targeting Muslims and Dalits. Cow vigilante goons are looting cattle from muslim traders in broad daylight with impunity, and perpetrating mob lynchings. In this particular incident goons are openly being politically supported by BJP and Bajrang Dal. Comrade Gopal Ravidas has asked the state government to immediately arrest all the attackers, free treatment for all injured and protection for cattle traders and transporters in the state.