Against Genocide in Gaza

On August 3, a joint protest by CPIML Liberation and other left parties was organised in Delhi’s Parliament Street in solidarity with Palestinian people and their struggle for Liberation at Delhi's Parliament Street.

Comrade Ravi Rai, CPIML Politburo member expressing his solidarity with people of Palestine said that the Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has killed more than 40,000 people including more than 10,000 children. People in Gaza are just being massacred by bombs and missiles, the Israeli regime is also using starvation as a tool of war. Israel has bombed humanitarian convoys and food aid trucks to create a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. Several children have died due to hunger and malnutrition. We call for immediate Ceasefire and end to the Genocide in Gaza. We also demand that Indian government must initiate steps to ensure international sanctions and arms embargo on apartheid Israeli state.

Today the entire world is standing with the people of Palestine and we also demand for immediate steps for recognition of Palestine State.