Anti-Poor Attitude of Modi Govt

CPIML Member of Parliament Comrade Raja Ram Singh and Sudama Prasad criticised the Union Budget 2024 as anti-poor and pro-corporate during the parliamentary discussion. They noted that the budget depicts how a government can continue to ignore the plight of the Indian people with some lofty ideas and self-congratulatory words.

During the discussion on The Finance (No.2) Bill, 2024 in Lok Sabha on August 6, Comrade Sudama Prasad said that the Union budget presented by Modi government is aimed at making the rich richer and poor poorer. The budget takes away money from social welfare schemes for the people and hands it over to the corporates. Today, lakhs of poor Dalits, Adivasis and homeless can be found living under tarpaulin sheets and tin-roof near flyovers, on roads and pavements and beside rivers and lakes without any access to basic amenities and this government is claiming that the country is developing at great speed. The people who build this country- the toiling masses, workers and farmers – are living in the conditions similar to hell. Even in this hell they are not allowed survive, as this government is hellbent to bulldoze whatever roof the poor have over their head in the name of encroachment, beautification and development. The need of the hour if land reforms in the country, so that landless and homeless can have proper roof over their head.

Sudama Prasad also the raised the issue of Sahara Scam where the depositors are forced to run pillar to post to get the refund of their hard-earned money. He also called for immediate measures to fill the 30 lakh vacant jobs positions at the Central government level. Demanding the scrapping of four labour codes and Contract system, he said that scheme workers jobs like ASHAs, Anganwadis must be regularised and given proper salary. He warned that if the contract/ outsourcing system is not abolished, one the government will itself run on contact.

On August 5, during the discussion for demand for grant for Ministry of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Dairying, Comrade Raja Ram Singh said that issue of stray cattle is a serious problem which farmers are facing.

Speaking during the discussion on demands for grants for Ministry Health and family welfare on August 2, Comrade Raja Ram Singh, said that the poor of this country are reeling under exorbitant medical bills and lack of healthcare and the government is shamelessly patting itself in the back. Rampant privatization has led to a complete lack of access to affordable healthcare for the poor. The poor are not getting treatment and they are dying for want of expensive medicines and expensive treatment. There is a small illness, private hospitals charge thousands of rupees, which the poor are not able to afford. Health services need to be decentralised and strengthened.

He called for strengthening of the public healthcare system, including immediate measures to reinforce Primary Healthcare Centres during the discussion.