State Cadre Meet at Vijayawada

CPIML LIBERATION State level cadre meet was held at Vijayawada on 24 August 2024. Comrades Harinath, Arjun Rao and MP Ramdev presided over the meeting. A paper on the political situation in the wake of NDA in power in the state was discussed. Comrade Bangar Rao proposed a detailed plan for the state towards the mass political convention on 9 November to be addressed by the party General Secretary.

The paper of “Combat Liberalism” by Mao was also explained by Comrade Ajay Kumar while relevant portions of the 11th Congress document on “Organisational Review” was discussed by Uday Kiran.

District secretaries, mass organisation leaders reported preparations towards the mass political convention which was followed by a detailed discussion. First issue of Telugu Liberation monthly after a long gap was also released as a bulletin. Regular publication of Telugu Liberation is to begin from 9 Nov.

The meeting resolved to develop work in panchayats, expand to newer panchayats and hold a mass demonstration on 16 Sep as a part of all India call of AIARLA at Mandal level. The demands include NREGA issues, housing sites, land pattas, etc. Mandal level demonstrations will be followed by panchayat level demonstrations on 1 Oct. The demonstrations will highlight Peoples’ Six Demands in contrast to Super Six of Chandrababu Naidu. A plan for an intensive political campaign is made. The house to house campaign from 1 Oct to 25 Oct will be marked by village meetings and pad-yatras at panchayat level which will culminate in a Bike rally on 26 Oct in all Mandals. People will be mobilised to Vijayawada on 9th. It was also suggested to AIARLA units to represent the grievances of agricultural labour in the “Revenue Meetings” being called by the state government from 1 to 15 Sep to sort out the complaints of land related issues that emerged from the Land Titling Act.

Comrade Shankar explained the growing threat of the rise of communal and right wing forces in the state and pointed out the existing political vacuum in the absence of any real opposition worth mentioning in the state. He called upon to strengthen the organisation as a united, dynamic and strong party towards building a revolutionary people’s movement. He also called upon the people of Andhra Pradesh to drive away the communal forces from the soil of Andhra and also called upon the left and democratic forces to come together to fight fascist forces in the state.

The cadre meet concluded with a new hope and confidence, and displayed a determination to expand the party.