Event in Delhi University

Dharmendra Pradhan cancels coming to DU Yoga Day event in the wake of continuing protests against NEET scam. On 21st June, the Union Education Minister, Dharmendra Pradhan who is responsible for the future of lakhs of students and who addressed an excuse of a press conference, was scheduled to attend a programme on Yoga Day in Delhi University. In response to the sheer audacity of Mr. Pradhan to even think of coming to DU while he and his NTA have jeopardised the future of students, AISA activists along with students of Delhi University raised black flags and protested against his presence in the University. While protesting, the students were informed that due to the fear of protest, the Minister of Education did not even show up to the event!

The AISA in a statement issued on the day said that the scam in NEET and now UGC-NET has completely exposed the corruption of the National Testing Agency (NTA) and the sorry excuses and jumlas that Dharmendra Pradhan has given in his press conference will not suffice. The Minister of Education must own up to his responsibility and resign. Students demand immediate scrapping of the NTA and Dharmendra Pradhan must resign!