THE CPI (ML) organized a one-day dharna at Ichak Block HQ on various people’s issues on 25 September 2018. The dharna protest was attended by people led by Rajdhanwar MLA Com. Rajkumar Yadav. Before staging the dharna, a march was organized through the Ichak area. A 10-point memorandum addressed to the DM was submitted at the Block Office with the following demands: end corruption and loot in the PM Housing Scheme; stop bribery rampant in mutation of property (Daakhil-Khaarij) and fix its timeline; fix timeline for caste, residential, and salary certificates; implement old age pension for women over 60 years of age; stop merger of schools; respectable salary for para teachers; stop oppression of rural doctors, give them government training and appoint them as rural health workers; reconstruct the Ichak Bazaar-Dhadaha road; destitute persons deprived of health care facilities should be brought under the health care scheme without delay; improve services at Community Health Centres and appoint lady doctor.