Violence and Hate Propaganda against Muslims

Amidst the political churnings in Bangladesh, a lot of misleading propaganda is being spread in the Indian media and social media on Bangladesh developments, with the aim of vitiating the social and political environment in India.

The Hindutva right wing groups under the pretext of Bangladesh development have unleashed renewed attacks against poor Muslim slum dwellers in various places. On August 9, far right extremist group, Hindu Raksha Dal attacked Muslims living near a railway station in UP’s Ghaziabad accusing them of being Bangladeshi infiltrators. The attack left several residents injured and their makeshift shelters were burnt down and  destroyed. Several other such incidents have been reported in many parts of the country.

Since the political developments in Bangladesh, the right wing groups had been using the situation to exacerbate the targeted attacks against Muslims in India, which had already been on rise after the Lok Sabha elections. The bogey of Love Jihad, Rohingyas, Land Jihad and Bangladeshi infiltrators are being used as a ploy to destroy India’s syncratic ethos and fan communal polarisation. We have to be on our guard to combat this propaganda war and foil the fascist ploy.