A veteran party member and trade union leader in Delhi comrade Dinesh Singh succumbed to severe heat stroke on 2 June 2024. He was hospitalised in the Safdarjang Hospital after he developed symptoms of heat stroke on 30 May, which was the hottest day of the season. Despite all efforts he could not be saved.
Comrade Dinesh Singh had joined the party in the 1980s and was active among industrial workers of Okhla-Faridabad region since then. A well known trade union activist he was widely recognised by workers for whom he always stood firmly. Hailing from Azamgarh in UP, he always lived in the party office in the Okhla Industrial Area which became synonymous with his name. A victimised and retrenched worker in the 80s, he decided to dedicate his life to work for the workers rights and an egalitarian society. For nearly four decades of association with revolutionary politics he never wavered from his commitment and always stood with the party during many ups and downs. We will also remember him for his bold and straightforward interventions in front of factory gates whenever some worker’s rights were violated.
Red Salute Comrade Dinesh Singh!