JNUSU elections being organised after a span of four years will be held on March 22 with thousands of students participating in this democratic exercise. In spite of all attempts by ABVP to derail and manipulate the election process the JNU students clinched their democratic right after a long struggle.
Dhananjay from AISA is leading the left panel as presidential candidate with Avijit from SFI as the Vice President candidate, Swati from DSF for the post of General Secretary and Sajid from AISF for the post of Joint Secretary.
Speaking at the presidential debate held in campus on March 20, Comrade Dhananjay said "I stand here as a voice of the dalit landless workers of southern Bihar who bravely fought for their land-economic rights and social dignity, who faced massacres by Ranveer Sena, yet bravely continued their fight against feudal dominance. I stand here as a voice for Comrade Manoj Manzil, a popular dalit youth leader of CPIML who has been imprisoned by the feudal fascist government in Bihar. I stand here to tell today's fascist regime that your jails will not be enough to suppress our voices. We will speak and fight for justice."
He added that the campus has witnessed all the nefarious tactics by the ABVP to destroy the democratic ethos and policies of inclusive and affordable education in JNU. ABVP was silent and missing when the JNU students fought against the fee hike and attempts to take away scholarships.
Prior to the presidential debate, a massive ‘mashal’ march was carried out by the united left panel on March 19 which witnessed tremendous support and participation from the students.