BBMP Contract Sanitation Workers Union, affiliated to AICCTU, held a rally and General Body Meeting on 30 Jan 2019 at Bangalore. At the meeting, it was resolved to fight against the contract system until it is abolished. The contract system was partially eliminated a year ago through workers struggles, however the contractor mafia is gaining backdoor entry. In light of this, the name of the union was also changed to BBMP Sanitation Workers Union, to reject 'contract' system completely.

It was also resolved to fight for a minimum wage of Rs 26000 from the present 15700, as well as for equal pay for equal work. It was decided to fight against sexual harassment at the workplace and to ensure stringent action against the perpetrators.

The Union will also take up issues of housing and social dignity. Com. Balan, state President of AICCTU and Com. Shankar, PB member CPI (ML) addressed workers. Com. Clifton, outgoing President of BBMP and CPI (ML) State Secretary, presented the report and called upon workers to continue relentless struggles on the new dimension of fight for social dignity and against untouchability.

Com. Nirmala was elected as President and Com. Rathnamma as the General Secretary.

bbm mass