Memorial Event in Delhi

Addressing the memorial event for Comrade Sitaram Yechury held on September 29 at Delhi’s Talkatora Stadium, CPIML General Secretary Comrade Dipankar Bhattacharya said that the personal political journey of Sitaram has come to a sudden end after five eventful decades, but the collective journey of India's communists and the whole range of anti-fascist forces to a robust federal, democratic, secular and socialist future will continue undeterred with renewed vigour and determination.

Comrade Dipankar further added that Sitaram’s role as a negotiator and mediator between different political ideologies, helped shape common minimum programs during the UPA regime. Despite these alliances, Sitaram was known for using strong language, when necessary, particularly in parliamentary debates, where he clearly recognised and condemned the fascist attacks on India’s Constitution and democracy. Sitaram was quick to understand the qualitative change brought about by the rise of Narendra Modi and the BJP in 2014. He warned that a war was being waged against the Constitution itself.

His speech also reflected on the massive changes that have occurred over the past 50 years, both globally and within India. Globally, there have been rising fascist trends, with ongoing atrocities like the genocide in Palestine. Within India, when Sitaram started his political journey, the Communist movement was growing in opposition to the Congress Party. Today, the political landscape has drastically shifted, with the BJP and the RSS posing significant challenges to democratic and secular forces in the country. 

Reflecting on these challenges, Comrade Dipankar, added that the Communist movement, along with all democratic and secular forces, must focus on protecting India's democracy. Social, economic, and political justice, as enshrined in the Constitution, are critical issues that must be defended. New struggles, such as those for gender justice and climate justice, are emerging as central battles in this era.

Comrade Dipankar, on behalf of the Central Committee of CPI(ML) extended homage to Sitaram and expressed solidarity with the entire rank and file of CPI(M). He said that even though Sitaram is no longer physically present with us today, his legacy must continue to inspire the Communist movement. Despite any differences, he assured that both parties will work together to advance the Communist movement and uphold the red flag in India.