Workers Face Factory Closure

When the workers of Prism Johnson Ltd. RMC (India) Division reported for their morning shift at 8 AM on 19.07.2024 in their two factory plants in Bengaluru, they were shocked to find the factory gates closed and a “Notice of Closure” stuck on the gate. This occurred after the workers on their night shift left the factory premises at 6 AM! The workers were not allowed inside the factory premises by bouncers hired by the company, even when the workers appealed saying they wanted to speak to the management!

This action of the company is illegal and antiworkers. Contrary to what the management has stated, there is no “closure”, as the manufacturing activities continue. Such so-called closure has been done without taking the mandatory permission under law and is completely illegal. The so-called “closure” is done only with an intention to remove the unionised workers. It is to be noted that there are 107 workers in the two plants in Bengaluru and there are 25 workers employed in the establishment in Mangalore.

The Karnataka General Labour Union (affiliated to AICCTU) has been unionising the workers in Prism Johnson Ltd. RMC (India) Division for the past two decades, during which time, the workers have been able to successfully consolidate themselves as a workforce and partake in collective bargaining for the rights and dignified employment in the company. While there were many permanent workers, much of the work was also being outsourced to contract workers through sham contractors. These so-called contract workers were demanding permanent jobs. The company which has employed these workers for several years now, has, without even speaking to the union and its workers, have unilaterally thrown them to the streets!

The workers have been sitting at the factory gates in protest and demanding their jobs back. The police, in connivance with the company officials have been trying to oust the workers, so that the equipment inside the factory plant can be shifted out. Despite these challenges, the workers have been standing their ground and fighting against the injustice meted out to them. On 12.08.2024, the workers gheraoed the corporate office. The union has sought the intervention of the Labour Department and the conciliation process is on-going, whereas the union has also separately sought permission from the Labour Department to prosecute the company for their illegal actions.

Managements have now been emboldened by the new Labour Codes of the BJP-led Central Government, which promotes “hire and fire” policy and where the employers enjoy zero-accountability. Right to unionise, collective bargaining power, dignified employment and strike have all been curtailed in the Labour Codes. Workers of Prism Johnson Ltd. RMC (India) Division are the latest set of workers to face such assault of the anti-worker employers and its government stooges! Let us stand with the workers and demand justice!