AICCTU calls for Countrywide campaign

AICCTU has given a countrywide campaign call against Modi regime’s anti-workers policies and attack on labour rights from 25th July to 8th August 2024. The campaign will culminate with protest program in all district headquarters on 9th August, the anniversary of Quit India Movement Day. The campaign, themed "Intensify the Fight against Labor Codes, Privatization, and Draconian New Criminal Laws,” will also highlight the rising prices of essential commodities and the need to protect the constitution and democracy from the fascist onslaught.

AICCTU in a statement said the demands include establishment of a statutory minimum wage of Rs 35,000 with a Rs 10,000 monthly pension, and strict enforcement of existing minimum wages. The campaign also called for abolishment of the proposed 12-hour work day.

Additionally, AICCTU called for arresting the rising prices of all essential commodities including food and strengthening of food and social security for all. Other demands included “worker” status and rights for scheme workers and guaranteed statutory minimum wages and social security to them.

Rejecting the rampant privatization under Modi regime, the AICCTU called for ending rising unemployment and contractualisation/ outsourcing system. Calling for withdrawal of New Pension Scheme (NPS) and National Monetization Policy, the AICCTU noted that such policies are anti-workers and pro-corporate. The AICCTU also raised the demand of withdrawal of new electricity bill and smart pre-paid electricity meter scheme that will wreak havoc on the lives of poor and toiling masses.

Calling for strengthening the people’s movement and street struggles against the fascist Modi regime, AICCTU also raised the demand of guaranteed minimum 200 days of employment and Rs 600 as daily wages under MNREGA and enactment of an urban employment guarantee Act and a legal guarantee of MSP.