Anti-Fascist Convention in Kolkata

On 22 January 2024, as the BJP-RSS combine sought to ignite the nation into a fascist frenzy, students, youth, and the working class in West Bengal assembled in Kolkata to resist. The Fascibad-Birodhi Mohasommelon (Grand Convention Against Fascism) was organised by over 200 socio-political and mass organisations from all over West Bengal.

The program started with a mass rally from Subodh Mallick Square to the Netaji Indoor Stadium, where the convention was held. The event was attended by noted human rights activist Teesta Setalvad, former justice BG Kolse Patil, anti-communalism campaigner Harsh Mander, scientist and poet Gauhar Raza, historian Maroona Murmu, civil society activist Sujato Bhadra, and CPIML General Secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya among many others.

Speaking at the convention comrade Dipankar Bhattacharya noted that the issue of debate is not between a Mandir or a Masjid, but the use of religion to fundamentally transform the democratic nature of the state. He noted that while the state is withdrawing from its responsibilities for providing education, healthcare, or employment, it is increasing control over the private and personal lives of citizens by intervening in religions. Narendra Modi is subverting the constitutional order and creating a proto-monarchical system where he claims to be divinely ordained in his role.

Prof. Maroona Murmu reminded the convention of the prophetic words of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on how ‘Hindu Raj’ would be catastrophic for the Dalit and Adivasi people of the country. Harsh Mander spoke on Mahatma Gandhi’s own struggle to establish communal peace in Kolkata during partition. Teesta Setalvaad said that the ruling dispensation has declared a war on the working class, peasantry, and minorities. The cruel policies taken up by the government has killed hundreds of farmers and workers. The use of state institutions and laws are being used to subvert the constitutional rights of the people. She urged the people to reject the BJP-RSS regime from the gram panchayat to the Lok Sabha.

West Bengal education minister Bratya Basu, TMC Rajya Sabha MP Samirul Islam, and Party of Democratic Socialism leader Samir Putatunda expressed their solidarity with the convention