AISA organized Right to Education convention in IMA Hall, Patna on Dec 23, 2023 which was addressed by prominent intellectuals and academicians along with leaders of AISA and MLA Sandeep Saurabh. Political resolution was passed in which Modi govt was indicted for destroying and damaging public education and institutions & denying dignified jobs for youths.
The convention was organized on the occasion of State Conference of AISA in Bihar. Two-day 15th state conference of AISA was concluded on December 24, 2023 in Patna.
Addressing convention recently chastised Delhi University Prof Laxman Yadav, for putting his critical views against govt forthwith, said that critical writing is under attack and those who are not from RSS are shown the doors in institutions of higher learning. By manipulating all rules and regulations, RSS people are being inducted in public educational institutions while students from dalit and downtrodden background continue to face discrimination.
CPI (ML) MLA Sandeep Saurav said that party demand from the Bihar government that it should take the responsibility of education in its own hands and resolution to that effect should be passed in Bihar legislature. While welcoming the process of permanent appointment of teachers by the Grand Alliance government, Sandeep Saurav strongly criticized various undemocratic decisions taken by Education Department in recent years.
Prof D.M. Diwaker said that constitution framers dreamed that education will unleash equality in society but reverse is happening. Modi govt is snatching people rights while favouring Corporates. New Education Policy 2020 seems attractive on face but on ground it goes against people. He added that after Rohith Vemula incident scores of students have been forced to commit suicide. They are not suicides but institutional murders.
Pro. OP Jaiswal said that the BJP government does not want to grant any rights to the exploited fearing that once educated the youth will demand employment and their rights. Prof Santosh Kumar said that those framing policies should be asked why their children are not going to public schools. Prof S Kumar pointed out the falling standards of higher education and condemned govt assault on scientific attitude and logical reasoning in academics by govt.
AISA State Conference Resolves To Strengthen Fight Against Modi Govt’s Anti Student Policies
On the second day, representatives of various left democratic student organizations addressed the conference in show of unity and resolved to intensify the united struggle in the coming days against the anti-education policy of the Modi government.

National President of AISA Com. Neelashish said that in the ongoing “Young India Charter 2024: Signature Campaign” across the country, signature campaign would be conducted amongst thousands of students of Bihar. A campaign against the ongoing attack on education, employment and social justice will be taken up. Neelashish underlined the need for intense struggle against the ongoing privatization and commercialization of education, increasing the scope of reservation by conducting caste census, recruitment on all vacant posts, rolling back of fees hike and FYUP.
In the final session, 123-member State Council, 58-member Executive including 17-member State office bearers were elected. Com. Preeti was elected State President and Com. Sabir was elected as State Secretary. Resolutions was adopted on various issues faced by student community with the resolve that state wide struggles will be carried out to fulfill related demands. About 500 students from 29 districts across the state participated in the conference.