Constitution Day _ CPIML

A Save Constitution - Save Democracy March organised by AIKM, AICCTU and AIARLA in Patna, Bihar on November 26 commentating  the 74th Anniversary of the adoption of Constitution of India.  

Addressing the rally at GAIT Public Library, Com. Dipankar, General Secretary of CPI(ML) said that As the fascist forces in power continue their assault on country's constitutional framework, in an attempt to dismantle the democratic values and people's rights, we must steadfastly uphold the radical legacy of Ambedkar and turn it into a powerful weapon to defeat this fascist conspiracy. 

He added that the today inequality is continuously increasing instead of decreasing. Reiterating the warning by Dr. Ambedkar, Com. Dipankar said that if India becomes a Hindu Rashtra, this would bring destruction upon the country and it’s people. This will push us into the pit of Manuism, the foundation of which is social inequality. Speaking about the reservation, Com. Dipankar added that reservation has been expanded, but merely increasing the reservation will not suffice. Today, only 1.5 percent people have government jobs. If there is no government job then where will you get reservation? Modi government is busy destroying the public sector in the country and handing them over to his corporate cronies. To get the real benefit of reservation, there is a need to increase employment opportunities on a large scale. The RSS which had rejected the Constitution right at the time of its adoption as an un-Indian document has mounted a renewed offensive attacking the Constitution from all corners. Thought bubbles calling for a new Constitution for India after seventy-five years of Independence are already afloat. The principal economic advisor of the PM, Bibek Deb Roy floated one such balloon through a newspaper article even as India was observing the seventy-fifth anniversary of independence.

Com. Dipankar added that “to use Ambedkar’s own words, we must not be tardy in recognising the evils that lie across our path or weak in our initiative to remove them”.