All India People’s Forum organised a convention in Ranchi on 26 April 2023 on “Communal-Corporate Fascism and Democratic Resistance”. CPIML GS Dipankar Bhattacharya addressed the convention as keynote speaker where he said that growing attacks on democracy and constitution demands from us to launch a movement as powerful and bigger as the Freedom Struggle. India caters to a rich legacy of syncretic culture and civilisation which must be our guiding force to combat the forces responsible for hate filled, frenzied violent and divisive atmosphere. These forces are using religious occasions for creating political polarisation in the country. The communal forces and corporates are hand in gloves standing behind BJP which must be given a befitting reply in the elections of 2024.
Ravi Bhushan, National president of Jan Sanskriti Manch, said that we are living in dark times, but people are protesting everywhere and such struggles should be united on a common platform in order to defeat the fascists in power.
The National Campaign Committee member of AIPF and CPIML legislature in Jharkhand Vinod Singh addressed the convention saying that the BJP model of governance in states where it rules is of brazen corporate loot. BJP on the one hand builds a venomous communal atmosphere and facilitates loot of livelihoods, employment, natural resources, mines and minerals simultaneously launching attacks on human rights of activists and common masses.
Filmmaker Meghnath felt a need to make more documentaries exposing fascist rulers and creating awareness among people. Senior journalist Vinod Kumar said that the current fascist regime is dangerous for the society and all progressive, democratic forces must come together to oust them from power.
S Ali, Damodar Turi, Saiyad Gulfam Ashrafi, Walter Kanldulna and many others also addressed this convention which was attended by hundreds of people from various walks of life. The convention was conducted by Nadim Khan and the introductory note was presented by Jevier Kuzur.