The Safai Mazdoor Ekta Manch held its conference in Allahabad on 29 January. They demanded a monthly minimum wage of Rs. 26000. Uttar Pradesh AICCTU leader Vijay Vidrohi addressed this conference as the main speaker. He said that sanitation workers in Karnataka have fought a long and successful battle for permanent jobs. We must also strengthen our unity to oust the regime of private contractors and out-sourcing.
Anil Verma, AICCTU state secretary said that the same sanitation workers whose feet were washed by PM Narendra Modi during his last elections, were not paid many months’ wages afterwards. When workers demanded payment of wages twelve of them were retrenched.
The job of sanitation is always of permanent nature and hence every sanitation worker in the country must be made permanent and be paid full and regular wages.
The conference was also addressed by Revolutionary Youth Association leader Sunil Maurya. The conference elected a 15 member executive with comrade Ramsia as president and Santosh Kumar as Secretary.