Remembering the struggles of Savitribai and Fatima Sheikh, who pioneered the movement for the education of girls and against social evils, AIPWA organised Shikhsha Rozgar Adhikar Abhiyan [Education-Employment Rights Campaign] from 3 to 9 January 2023 across the country.
AIPWA General Secretary Meena Tiwari said that the powers and social evils that stood against Savitribai and Fatima Sheikh during that period, still exist today actively suppressing women's rights. But, we women know that these patriarchal forces who use "religion and culture" to keep their control over women. These so-called protectors of religion do not care about many evils like honour killings, horror killings, dowry killings, domestic violence, Devadasi practice, murdering women by branding them witches.
“And when women get education, employment equal opportunity in public life and right to decide about their life or demand civil rights, then their religion is in danger and women are targeted with violence.” Meena Tiwari added.
Today, the custodian of these patriarchal forces is the communal and fascist government of BJP at the Center. This government is changing the laws, taking away the right of girls to live their own life. This government justifies the Manusmriti according to which Dalits and women should always remain in subordination. So it is not surprising that the government gives protection to rapist babas and swamis like Asaram, Ramrahim, and BJP leaders seek their blessings. This government stops the entry of Muslim girls wearing headscarf in schools and colleges and releases the rapists of Bilkis Bano from jail by calling them ‘cultured-Brahmins’. MP Sadhvi Pragya Thakur talks about keeping a sharp knife and beheading enemies. These people want to build a wall between Hindu and Muslim women, we need to understand their trick and raise our voice unitedly against it.
It is in this very country that Rani of Jhansi and Begum Hazrat Mahal became martyrs in struggle against the British, and Savitribai and Fatima Sheikh were revolutionaries in the field of education and social reform. We need to remember this shared tradition of common martyrdom, common heritage where women fought together for their rights and against oppression.
AIPWA had given the clarion call to forward the legacy of these two revolutionary women through campaign from Savitribai's birthday on January 3 to Fatima Shaikh's birthday on January 9. The campaign has put forwarded the following demands:
Make girls' education free from KG to PG.
Build a high school in every panchayat and a college in every block so that every girl in the country can get education.
Stop privatization of education.
Created employment opportunities for all women.
Include the life struggles of Savitribai Phule and Fatima Sheikh in the school curriculum.


